Hello Bar

Monday, June 18, 2007

Create a Realistic Looking Ticket (GIMP)

❑ Create a new image

❑ Default size (300 x 420)

❑ Portrait orientation

❑ Use the View menu to show the grid and snap to grid

❑ Select a rectangular region using the Rectangle selection tool

❑ Use the Bucket Fill tool to color the rectangle

❑ Use a muted primary color

❑ Remove the selection (Ctrl+Shift+A)

❑ The next step is to cut quarter-circles from each corner

❑ Use the Elliptical Selection tool

❑ Select fixed aspect ratio (drop down box)

❑ Be sure to choose Add to Selection mode (second button)

❑ Draw a circular selection centered on each corner of the rectangle

❑ Click-hold the left mouse button on one of the corners

❑ Hold Ctrl while making your selection

❑ Edit - Clear (Crtl+K) to cut out the corners

❑ Delete the selection (Ctrl+Shift+A)

❑ Now the semi-circular perforation holes in the middle of each end of the ticket will be cut out

❑ Using the same procedure as in the last step, make a circular selection in the middle of each short side

❑ Use Ctrl+K or Edit - Clear to cut out the semi-circles

❑ Again, remove the selection as previously described

❑ Now we'll add a very slight drop shadow for a realistic effect

❑ Use Select Regions by Color tool to select the body of the ticket

❑ Threshold should be pushed all the way down to 0.0

❑ Script-Fu - Shadow - Drop-Shadow

❑ I used these settings to get a very slight effect.

❑ Remove the selection

❑ You should now have the body of the ticket completed

❑ Now you can add text, lines, etc

❑ Adding some lines

❑ Create a new transparent layer

❑ Use the Path tool to draw some lines on your ticket

❑ Select Design mode and check Polygonal so your lines will be straight

❑ Stroke path with the Paintbrush tool

❑ Choose a small brush and default colors

❑ Add the serial numbers

❑ Select the Text tool

❑ Use default colors

❑ Select a font that would be appropriate for the serial number

❑ Position the numbers near the end of the ticket with the Move tool

❑ Duplicate this layer (Layer - Duplicate)

❑ Move this layer (the duplicate) to the other end of the ticket

❑ Right click on this layer in the Layers dialog, choose Merge Down

❑ This places both sets of serial numbers on the same layer

❑ Now dial down the opacity of this layer to about 70

❑ Finally, put some text in the middle of the ticket

❑ Turn the ticket on its side

❑ Image - Transform - Rotate 90 CW

❑ Use the Text tool to create some appropriate text

❑ Use default colors

❑ Use a heavy font

❑ Set Opacity for this layer at about 70 to get a faded look

❑ Turn off the grid.

❑ You're finished!

If you find this useful a small donation would be appreciated


kasrak said...

Nice tutorial, Thomas.

Just a suggestion though: you'll get a smoother edge on the corners if you cut the circles out before coloring the selection (using the elliptical select tool, just set to subtract mode).

Unknown said...

It's a nice tutorial but you're missing something: it doesn't look like paper. Try using a paper texture on it to make it look more real.